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Welcome all who served America so gallantly during the Korean War...


Two years ago, June 24th was proclaimed in the Congressional Record as "Navy Nurses of the Korean War Day ". Official recognition was given to all U.S. Navy Nurses and Corpsmen who served this country during the Korean War

Their unsung efforts were so eloquently written about by nurse2.jpg (21159 bytes)CDR Francis Omori, USN in her cover1.jpg (28665 bytes)book "Quiet Heroes Navy Nurses of the Korean War 1950-1953 Far East Command ". This moving tribute was debuted at the first reunion luncheon held in 2000.

Organized by one of the "Quiet Heroes" nurses, qh16a.jpg (38952 bytes)Marilyn Ewing Affleck, along with help from Gunnery Sergeant Gig Garrison USMC (Ret) and CDR Frances Omori,USN, this reunion was held to remember and honor these Navy Nurses and Corpsmen. To learn about "Quiet Heroes" and view highlights of this joyful reunion, please click here. You can view highlights of the 2001 reunion by clicking here.

This year on June 22, 2002 a third reunion luncheon was held once again to remember and honor the Navy Nurses and Corpsmen who gave comfort and hope to the young Marines fighting in the Korean War. As in the past, it was held at qh3.jpg (44951 bytes)The Clubs of Quantico, Marine Corps Base, Quantico Virginia.   

Although slightly smaller in size this year, it was no less significant in importance to those nurses, corpsmen, family members and friends who attended.

After qh6.jpg (39582 bytes)signing the qh6a.jpg (30295 bytes)"guest book" qh7b.jpg (38553 bytes)one could qh7.jpg (48248 bytes)view many informative qh7a.jpg (38450 bytes)displays, qh8.jpg (42593 bytes)share treasured memories via qh8a.jpg (49237 bytes)photo albums or just qh9.jpg (32651 bytes)swap stories with friends.

 qh26.jpg (37311 bytes)Old friends were reunited,qh11.jpg (37721 bytes)new ones made.

Meeting the nurses & corpsmen, qh10.jpg (36649 bytes)face to face, and hearing about each of their unique experiences was definitely a highlight for many who attended.

 And... you could have them qh5.jpg (36509 bytes)sign their qh5a.jpg (36341 bytes)photo in your copy of "Quiet Heroes".

All of this proved to be a great learning experience for the qh13.jpg (34501 bytes)younger generation. So that they may know of the valuable contribution made by these nurses & corpsmen and remember them always !

Of course qh14a.jpg (37151 bytes)posing for the "Nurse Paparazzi" has become a tradition at these reunions.

There was plenty of Korean War memorabilia to qh12.jpg (40858 bytes)view and collect too.

So after a bit of socializing it was time to qh18.jpg (40256 bytes)sit down to a wonderful qh52.jpg (38228 bytes)lunch, prepared by the expert staff of The Clubs of Quantico.

                                              Please click here to continue coverage of this year's reunion...

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©2002 Chip Feise Location Photography  All Rights Reserved         Additional photography ©2002 David Litvin/API

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