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Welcome again...


Finally it was time for the 0609ooo.jpg (24972 bytes)Executive Director of US Korea 2000 Foundation, Inc., Col. Warren Wiedhahan, USMC (Ret.) to 0609ppp.jpg (36902 bytes)speak. His message was loud & clear...the Korean War was not and will never be the "Forgotten War". To learn more about the US Korea 2000 Foundation Inc. please click here.* All vets who served during the Korean War should pay this site a visit !

In closing this year's program 0609qqq.jpg (33582 bytes)"Gunny" gave some final thoughts about the "Quiet Heroes" Nurses.

At the conclusion of the program, there was still time to 0609rrr.jpg (32170 bytes)socialize, pick up 50th Anniversary memorabilia supplied by the USMC Korean War 50th Anniversary Office and have your copy of "Quiet Heroes " 0609ttt.jpg (25598 bytes)signed. 

Remember next year's reunion is being held at this exact same place on JUNE 22, 2002.  See you all then !

                                                                                      Start of Reunion II   Pg1    Pg2


©2001-2003 Chip Feise Location Photography  All Rights Reserved

*This link does not constitute an endorsement by The US Korea 2000 Foundation Inc. of CFLP or its website or sponsors. This link is provided  by CFLP as a vital source of information that all Korean War Vets should be aware of.